Letter to the Editor

Set gas prices fairly

Sunday, October 26, 2008

To the Editor:

All I want to know is why gas in Brazil is still $2.87?

I work with people who live in Martinsville (not that far from Brazil) and they told me that gas there is $2.46 a gallon.

Come on, 40 cents in less than 50 miles? Now if that is not "gouging" then what is?

The Covered Bridge Festival is over so local gas stations can stop robbing the people passing through.

Two weeks ago, when gas was still $3 in Brazil, it was $2.54 in Plainfield.

Note to local gas stations: Please set your prices by using your own pricing methods and stop letting (one gas station) set your prices for you. I know that if (one gas station) goes up, you all go up. If (one gas station) drops a few pennies, you all do.

Set prices fairly.

Chris Schurick,
