Letter to the Editor

Time for another direction

Sunday, December 18, 2011

To the Editor:

The time has passed for our school board to give our public and students a first-class, up-to-date, accessible and well-equipped school bus garage.

I have requested that our school board determine a full analysis of our needs regarding these buildings before acquiring a site.

I accomplished this request with valid questions at the November regular school board meeting.

I, nor the public, have received an answer to these questions.

During my current school board member term, I have been unable to receive valid answers that could improve student education.

In some instances, I interpret this board's behavior as a means to completely silence me. If so, this has not happened. Sadly, I feel that this school board's approach is damaging the educational environment of our students.

On the basis of these experiences, I am taking the route of a newspaper (letter) in order to solve our school bus garage problems.

An answer to each of my questions is important in producing valid results.

One such answer could be to "how much acreage is needed to fulfill our needs?"

The next step for our school board could be for our school board to place an (advertisement) in the local newspapers. This would be regarding, "Where can this acreage best be placed effectively and financially?"

Such an (advertisement) could define a boundary from which to select this acreage.

Such an (advertisement) could result in multiple responses that would help school board members choose a site for a first-class garage operation.

Thanks for reading this. Come out and help our school board solve this dilemma.

Forrest Buell,

School Board member,

Clay City