Letter to the Editor

Famous men to Clay County

Sunday, June 17, 2012

To the Editor:

Over the past 50 years: Tom Reberger, Matt Huber, Robert Dix Sr., Bob Medworth, Lynn Hostetler.

(All these men listed here).

These men are givers of ones self, never a taker.

(Retiring) Starting with Tom Reberger: Who among us, could in anyway, denounce the character, integrity, honesty and impeccable humility of Tom Reberger?

I, for one, will always remember Tom as a supreme giver. He will be missed.

(Deceased) Next, Robert "Bob" Dix. Unquestionably, the father and founder of Brazil Main Street Redevelopment. Robert Dix was not only a merchant among merchants, he too, was a giver, a philanthropist. Not only from his billfold, but more importantly, from his heart. Oh yes, he carried a big stick, but he had a much bigger heart.

Next is Lynn Hostetler. Here is the all-time champion of champions when it comes to being the entrepreneur of all time, as far as Brazil, Ind., is concerned. This man has withstood the greatest marketing transition ever, over the past 50 years. The oldest retail store on Main Street, has trumped the onslaught of mass merchandising never before seen. His principles and leadership will long be remembered.

Who has shown more love and music affection than Matt Huber? All through the summer months, who stands on stage at the Band Shell each Sunday evening leading that great and famous Brazil Concert Band, the one and only Matt Huber. John Philip Sousa was a great composer and bandsmen. Thank goodness we have our own J.P.S., right here among us in Matt Huber. For as long as I can remember, Matt has led the band. Long live Matt Huber.

Again, a man of extreme tenacity, determination and incredible desire to please. Brilliant in his method of teaching, coaching and his elaborate display of music expertise to pass along to students and audience.

Bob Medworth is a man among men and for certain, a teacher among teachers. No doubt about it, Bob is a credit to the City of Brazil and to Clay County.

Thanks again, Bob, for all you have done and all you stand for.

And thanks to the other four men I have mentioned. All of you have made a positive impact on me and the Clark family.

L.T. Clark,

Center Point