Letter to the Editor

Support group issues thanks

Sunday, October 6, 2013

To the Editor:

The Clay County Parent Bereavement Support Group would like to send a huge thank you to our community for the overwhelming response to our first golf tournament.

Thank you to those who played in the tournament, donated money, time, food, support and raffle items.

Due to the generous outpouring of your love toward us, we will be able to build a memorial garden at Craig Park.

In the spring of 2014, we will place a 5-by-3 wide jet black monument in the center of the garden with sidewalks and benches.

We will be able to plant trees, bushes, perennials, annuals and add mulch.

Without your help, this would not have been possible.

To date, we have raised more than $10,500. How exciting is that?

Our greatest fear is that our children will be forgotten.

We love to see and hear our children's names.

The monument, in the center of the garden, will serve as a constant reminder, not only for us, but our community.

We pledge to maintain the garden and keep it beautiful for years to come.

It will be a place to sit, reflect and remember.

In the tragic event that another family in our community should lose a child, our support group and memorial garden will be available to them as well.

The golf tournament could not have been a better day for us. Thank you for your support, love and friendship.

With love and sincere appreciation,

Clay County Parent Bereavement Support Group