Great Dane worker still hospitalized

Monday, June 8, 2015

The Great Dane assembly line worker seriously injured in an accident at the company's Brazil plant Thursday remains hospitalized, the company reported recently.

Levi Snyder, 23, was hurt in an accident Thursday evening. He was treated on the scene by company medical staff, then transported to Brazil and Indianapolis hospitals for further evaluation and treatment.

"As of (Monday) morning he remains in highly guarded condition at St. Vincent Indianapolis Hospital," David P. Grant, a spokesman for Great Dane, said. "Great Dane extends its heartfelt thoughts and prayers to Levi's family, friends and co-workers during this difficult time."

Great Dane management and safety officials are working with OSHA and plant personnel to understand the cause of this tragic event. Grief counselors will be available this week to all workers in the Brazil plant."

The Brazil Fire Department was dispatched to the scene of the accident at 7:05 p.m. Thursday, said Fire Chief Jake Bennett.

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