Letter to the Editor

Show police officers some respect

Sunday, September 13, 2015

To the editor:

What is going on in America?

We have had six law enforcement officers killed in the last month. This has got to stop.

Police officers hands are tied. They don't know what is waiting for them every time they respond to a call. It may be someone that needs help, or it could be some idiot wanting to make a name for himself.

Every time an officer does anything they get thrown under the bus, because some government officials will not back them up. Look what happen in Ferguson, Missouri, and in Baltimore Maryland, the police officers didn't have the support they needed, and some officials wanted to blame the officers for every thing that happened.

I know that there are some bad officers out there, but there are a lot more good officers than there are bad ones. When an officer is killed, they want to say that the person that did the killing had a mental illness. Well that may be right in some cases but others they just want to make a name for themselves.

Just look as how the officers were killed, pumping gas, just sitting in their car. One officer stopped to help someone whose truck was in troubled then the officer was gunned down, one officer was trying to stop three common criminals. It's about time that all law enforcement officers get the respect that they deserve. I can say that the police officers in this state know how to respect people, and the people respect them.

Just be thankful that Indiana has good police officers, "State ,City, Sheriffs and Deputies" and that goes for Brazil, Terre Haute, Clay County and Vigo County and other counties around the state. Not only appreciate the police officers, but appreciate all fire department personnel because every time they respond to a fire they risk their lives. Just think if one life is saved, their job is worth it, they risk their lives to protect ours. Let's show them we appreciate them. When you see one, shake their hand tell them that they are doing a good job.

Charles R. McShanog
