'Bee-stro' fulfills dream of county couple

Friday, April 7, 2017

Jodi Lohrman has fulfilled a long-time dream with her partner and husband, Andy. The couple own Honeysuckle Hill Bee-stro and Bee Supply, 6367 N. Murphy Rd. Their grand opening was Friday and nearly every seat was filled with hungry diners.

The Bee-stro is located on the family property.

“Do you remember when you wanted to sell your house?” Teresa Ringo was heard to ask Jodi as a crowd of friends from the Clay County Chamber of Commerce gathered around before the ribbon cutting.

Jodi and Andy Lohrman prepare to cut the ribbon on The Bee-stro, surrounded by family and their friends in the Clay County Chamber of Commerce.
Frank Phillips photo

Jodi said she did remember, but there just wasn’t a sense of peace about selling so they didn’t move.

Now, they no longer want to move and excitement permeates the building that houses the Bee-stro.

The interior of the building has a fresh coat of paint, of course, but it also has tables handmade by Andy and a down-home touch — mason jars cover the bare light bulbs in the ceiling.

A warm, down-home atmosphere awaits diners who simply want to relax and enjoy good food and great hospitality.
Frank Phillips photo

In fact, that homey touch is the ambiance Jodi is seeking.

“Jodi calls our food ‘Hoosier grub like you would find at Sunday dinner at Grandma’s house,’” Andy said.

The menu is just real good “cookin’” featuring main dishes and homemade pies. In fact as much as possible, everything is homemade from Hoosier recipes.

A spacious dining room awaits larger parties on the second floor.
Frank Phillips photo

The restaurant is open for lunch 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Friday and Saturday and for dinner 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., Friday and Saturday.

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