TOP STORY OF THE DAY, brought to you free by WICU: Making a plea to help a vet

Tuesday, November 24, 2020
SUBMITTED PHOTO - Buckets adorn the floor of the home of a Clay County veteran who is badly in need of a new roof.

I know money is tough these days, and every organization seems to have its collective hands out seeking money to help people in need.

Today’s column is to ask for support of someone I don’t know, but many of you probably do.

Terry Batchelor is one of eight siblings in his family who have served our country, and is in need of some help.

SUBMITTED PHOTO - Buckets adorn the floor of the home of a Clay County veteran who is badly in need of a new roof.

The roof on his house in Brazil has devloped several holes (photo above this column) and requires plastic totes (bottom photo) just to keep the water off of the floor.

An effort has been spearheaded by the Mary T. Klinker Veterans Resource Center of Lafayette to raise $6,000 to pay for the materials to fix the roof at the Batchelor home.

Friends and family will be lending their services with performing the labor to help make the project become a reality.

Bolstered by a $1,000 starter donation from the Klinker center, about half of the money has been raised toward the purchase of materials.

This column is asking you to consider chipping in to help this great cause.

People wanting to make cash contributions can do so at the Klinker center website at the following address:

I donated $50 early in the fund drive, which began last month, not from any personal connection but just because of the tremendous need and the awesome interactions I’ve had with people from the Klinker center.

And that was even before I learned that Batchelor had a stroke since then, which will require him to complete in-home rehabilitation and making having a safe living environment even more critical as the temperatures decline.

Please give whatever you can, and as every fundraiser says — every little bit helps, and it does add up.

Perhaps just as helpful would be if anyone connected with a roofing materials company could provide materials at their cost to assist in this effort.

Anyone who can do that may e-mail the Klinker center at

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