Multiple stores closing in Brazil, one opening soon

Tuesday, September 3, 2024
HAYLEY COOPER PHOTO - A new building sits empty as KFC closes.

As two businesses close their doors in Brazil, a new one prepares to fill the vacant space on National Ave. that Walgreens once occupied.

The summer has seen several businesses in Brazil close, including Save A Lot, formerly known as Pages, due to the owner's retirement. EYM Chicken, which operates KFC, has around 25 KFC restaurants in the Midwest, including the Brazil location.

Janet McClellan, Planning and Zoning Administrator has confirmed that Dollar General will be opening in the old Walgreens property at 501 E National Ave.

HAYLEY COOPER PHOTO - Formerly Walgreens, the new Dollar Tree is undergoing renovation.

"The new Dollar General will be good for our community," said McClellan. "It will offer more products, such as food products in the store's refrigerator and freezer section. And since Save-A-Lot has closed, this will help with food insecurities in our community."

An opening date has yet to be set.

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  • I'm surprised that Wendy's is not included in this article... That place appears to be dead as well :/

    -- Posted by stardemon on Wed, Sep 4, 2024, at 10:19 AM
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