Scouts beautify local park ahead of popular festival

Sunday, September 15, 2024
HAYLEY COOPER PHOTOS - Cub Scout Pack 195 members and their families were busy Saturday morning helping prepare Legacy Park for Route 40 Fest.

For years local Cub Scouts have been an integral part of the Clay County Historical Society's Bicentennial Legacy Park, contributing to its beauty and upkeep.

It was no different this Saturday, as local Cub Scout Pack 195 and their supportive families came together to maintain the area ahead of the ever-popular Route 40 Fest.

"The Historical Society has invited us out to help out," said Richard Muņoz. "Most of those folks are older, and to do stuff like this is hard for them. Since these kids have lots of energy and don't mind tearing stuff up, they invited us to clear the grass out and clean up the park a little bit."

The museum runs on volunteers, and Bob Slack, board member, and master gardener, says the group appreciates the assistance.

The group's hard work was evident as they cleared weeds from the brick road and fixed a bench that needed repair. Their efforts did not go unnoticed, and for lunch, Bob Slack, board member and master gardener, showed his gratitude by providing the hardworking bunch with pizza and refreshments.

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  • Thank you, kids (and leaders), for your voluntarism to our community. It is very much appreciated.

    -- Posted by Second Chance on Sun, Sep 15, 2024, at 8:06 PM
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