Letter to the Editor

Why are the signs still in place?

Sunday, December 30, 2007

To the Editor:

United States 40 highway construction. Do you have any idea when east from Brazil will be complete?

There has not been any movement by construction workers for six weeks. The only work that I see being done is by the state police, and the county police. What is going on?

There is only one thing to be done, and that is the yellow outside lines. This is a one-day job.

I am getting the sense that the signs are being left up, just to create more revenue from tickets for speeding. This also makes me believe that somebody is getting kick backs.

What's up?

Joe Gruener,


Editor's Note: According to officials with the Indiana Department of Transportation, construction on US?40 has been completed. However, it has not been confirmed why the signs are still in place.