Letter to the Editor

Reader responds to 'play 'em all'

Sunday, February 7, 2010

To the Editor:

I am writing in response to ("Reader says play 'em all," which appeared in the Jan. 25, 2010, issue of The Brazil Times).

I understand and sympathize with (the writer) and her children. I realize how discouraging it must be to get little playing. The goal at every game is to win.

How do you win a game? By playing the players that have shown that they have the skills and confidence to help win the game.

If and when one team has a good lead over the other team, most coaches will try to give the less experienced players a chance to play.

I think it is important to realize that the vast majority of junior high and high schools have tryouts for most every sports team offered. Unfortunately, smaller schools often have difficulty finding enough kids to even have a team thus forcing schools to allow anyone who wants to be on the team to join.

That leaves coaches in a tough position, doesn't it?

I disagree with (the writer) in regard to her comment, "There is no 'I,' in team, but these coaches must spell it different than I do."

I think these coaches are doing exactly what is best for the team. They are trying to win games ... for the team.

I always hear, "we won the game."

When you read about a team winning a tournament, I never read, "Player so-and-so won this game."

I believe it always reads, "Team so-and-so won this game."

Although your children may not get to play as much as they would like, they should be proud that they are part of a team. I see the coaches doing the best with what they have.

My daughter also plays seventh-grade basketball and she does get a lot of playing time. However, I am offended that (the writer) says, "It's all about who you are, not your talent."

We moved to this community less than three years ago. We did not know any of the teachers, coaches, or anyone else in the area. We aren't rich and we don't have a name that has any prominence. I have never, and will never, do anything for anyone just to get my kid more playing time.

But I will say this. My daughter has loved basketball her entire life. She spends endless hours shooting hoops and practicing. She does it because she loves it, not because I make her. She has worked hard and she has earned her playing time.

I can honestly tell you, her name did not get her anything from anyone.

Coincidentally, my stepson plays on the varsity team and he doesn't get as much playing time as he would like, so I can sympathize with (the writer).

As frustrating as it is for him, he understands that the coach is doing what he thinks is best for the team.

Although I understand (the writer's) frustration, I think she needs to rethink her opinion on this matter.

Jennifer Duncan,

Center Point