Letter to the Editor

Reader remembers Clay County barbershops from the past

Monday, February 18, 2008

To the Editor:

In my last letter, I wrote about carnivals that were once part of Brazil's entertainment and some that are still a part of it.

I forgot to mention Riethoffer shows and Ideal Rides.

This is the month of Valentine's, sweethearts, Lincoln's birthday, President's Day, the 18th of Feb., and his real birthday, Feb. 22.

I'm talking about Washington's Birthday, and Feb. 29, is my wife's birthday and this is a leap year, which means she only has a birthday every four years, if she really went by that.

Now on to the old stuff: barbershops. Here's some of the barbershops that were once located and this is just the ones I can remember. Definitely not all of them.

Charlie All's, Miller's, Chuck and Harvey Bass, Scottie's Shotzie's, Renfro's, Grigsby, Howalt, Bob's in Knightsville, Jim's on South Forest, which is still here, Ralph's, I know the location to another barber on South Forest, but I can't remember the name, it no longer exists, and of the new on South Vandalia.

Politics. Our Governor, Mitch Daniels, is still at it. He's not only messed up this state, the time, taxes, Kindergarten, toll roads, people's everyday life and who knows what else? This guy wants another four years. I hope he doesn't get it, because if he does, it will be four more years of the same. Now you know why they call Indiana the land of taxes and Daniels is getting richer.

Chamber of Commerce. I contacted the State Chamber of Commerce and asked them what a local Chamber of Commerce is good for?

They told me while they don't have any control over a local Chamber of Commerce, that the state chamber is for trying to encourage new industry, new business, new recreation and new entertainment. However, they did say that specialty shops, tanning salons, beauty shops and that type of things should be the least of their worries.

They told me I should contact the local Chamber of Commerce and ask them what they are good for? I told them I asked them an easy question two years ago about a former business and they either didn't know, did no or they just didn't want to answer.

I told the state Chamber of Commerce I am not asking the local chamber anything. So I guess I will never know what it's good for.

I want to thank the Editor, Jason Moon, for allowing my letters to be published.

As always, until next time, take care and be fair.

J.J. Weddle,
