Letter to the Editor

Health care reform desperately needed

Sunday, July 26, 2009

To the Editor:

As the vast majority of Americans know, the current health care "industry" is broken and desperately in need of major reform.

As an "industry," the current for-profit system does not have either the health of individual persons or the health of the overall economy in mind. Industry's focus is, quite naturally, profit.

Thus, what we need is major legislative action, like the America's Affordable Health Choices Act, to rein in costs and make the health care system responsive to the needs of real people.

Now, some pro-insurance industry ideologues will argue that the relationship between the patient and the insurance corporation is sacrosanct. Such inanity is, quite frankly, un-American. The relationship between a patient and doctor is what is sacrosanct and, despite the opposition's fear-mongering and outright lies, the health care legislation before Congress guarantees that this relationship is preserved and protected.

The fact is that in Rep. Brad Ellsworth 8th Congressional District, the provisions in America's Affordable Health Choices Act including a robust public option will ensure that up to 13,500 small businesses receive tax credits to provide coverage to their employees; that 10,000 seniors will avoid the donut hole in Medicare Part D; that 1,810 families will escape bankruptcy each year due to unaffordable health care costs; that health care providers will receive payment for $57 million in uncompensated care each year; and that 54,000 uninsured individuals will gain access to high-quality, affordable health insurance.

Against the backdrop of these clear and simple facts, it is incumbent upon Congressman Ellsworth and Senator Evan Bayh, not to mention voters of the 8th district, to vigorously support the President's goal of major health care reform now.

Brendan Corcoran,

Terre Haute