Letter to the Editor

He played a mean violin

Sunday, April 25, 2010

To the Editor:

A few days ago, the obituary of Bruce Wright was carried in The Brazil Times. It mentioned that he played the violin.

He played the instrument very well.

A case in point: In the late 1930s, an Old Time Fiddlers contest was held in Brazil. It was held at the intersection of Jackson and Walnut streets.

A low flat bed wagon served as a platform for those who cared to enter the contest.

There were several entries, most of who consisted of a fiddler, backed up by a guitar and bass violin, and they were very good.

It seemed to me that the winner was pretty obvious until the last entrant stepped to his place to perform.

He was all by himself, was dressed in a three-piece gray suit, hardly looking like an Old Time Fiddler.

When he started to play the Orange Blossom Special, it was all over. The crowd started to clap in time with the music and by the time he was done, they were cheering this slender young man in a three-piece gray suit.

The rest of the story, as Paul Harvey would put it, is that the young man in the three-piece suit was Bruce Wright, who worked at the then Brazil Trust Company.


Wayne Jenkins,
