Letter to the Editor

Not cutting weeds is disgraceful

Sunday, August 22, 2010

To the Editor:

I am disgusted with the way the weeds have been allowed to grow at Calcutta Cemetery on North Harmony Road.

Eight years ago, my father (Tom Raab Sr.) passed away from cancer and his wish was to be buried there. At that time, it was a beautiful spot.

We, like so many people, found comfort in the beautiful grounds. We asked if there were any restrictions to what could be put on the graves. We were told that we could put anything there that we wanted, however, if we planted anything they asked it to be something that would come back every year.

Since then, they seemed to have changed their policy and have put a sign saying not to put things up, such as solar lights that may hinder the lawn care.

I find it to be very disrespectful of the dead and the grieving to have done this.

I think that the people who do the lawn care need to take care of the weeds and if they won't, then the person responsible for hiring the lawn care company needs to find someone else to do the job.

I am very irate about having to load a lawn mower and weed eater when I want to go see the five people that I have buried there since my father has passed way.

That doesn't even count the family I have on the other side of the road. Do they think that people who are looking to buy a plot will be interested in buying one there.

I have wanted to be buried there for most of my life, but now, seeing it the way it is, I think I will buy my plot somewhere that will allow my family to find comfort in putting lights on my grave.

When someone buys a plot, lawn care is included in the payment.

My family should not have to take a lawnmower to the grave. What a pitiful excuse for a person to allow this to happen.

Elizabeth Dickison,
