Letter to the Editor

Remember when the election arrives

Sunday, January 27, 2008

To the Editor:

I hope the voters in Indiana will remember at election time who took their rights away and cost them more money.

Such as the tobacco tax act HEA1678, which does not pay any smokers related illness such as how the tobacco increases will be distributed.

* 33 cents: $11 million to fund immunizations for children and remaining funds to go to health insurance plan,

* 2 cents: Funds to go toward an increase in physician reimbursement (under Medicaid),

* 1 cent: Funds to go toward an increase in dental reimbursement,

* 5 cents: Funds to go toward other health initiatives, including $1.2 million for the Indiana Tobacco Prevention Commission (ITPC), and

* 3 cents: Funds to go toward an employers section 125 Plan. The section 125 Plan allows companies to give their employees the opportunity to pay for benefits on a pretax basis which lowers payroll-related taxes for both the employer and employees.

And the seat belt law, that should be your own right to make the decision to wear it or not. Remember, your governor "Mitch Daniels" stuck it to you. He thinks he is God, and you are a dumby and cannot make up your own decisions whether to risk you life by not wearing a seat belt or not.

You have rights as human beings to decide to do so or not.

Walter E. Young,
