Letter to the Editor

Community must be fully informed

Sunday, September 7, 2008

To the Editor:

Editor's Note:Forrest Buell is a member of the Clay Community School Board.

There is so much going on behind the scenes in our corporation that the public fails to comprehend the rough roads our board members travel!

Our school board needs to help from a fully informed public.

That is why I have recommended that teachers, public, school board and students unite and travel the educational road in unison. Meet face to face, respond to each other and shake hands after the meeting.

Present educational needs, review educational methods, and arrive at valid educational solutions at such meetings. Board actions later, at regular meetings could profit immensely from such united input.

I have heard board members ask, "How do we get the public out to attend board meetings?"

My answer to the board is to send out an SOS call -- open board room doors, let your public in -- unite all groups involved in the operations of our schools.

Our board will find many helpful public individuals interested, sympathetic, firm in their beliefs, ready to critique, friendly and waiting to come into our board room with support.

You as our school board, must let them know that you want them and are ready to work diligently with them. Our superintendent must help our board achieve this.

Patience, strength and more patience, strength along with trust in one another will serve as valuable virtues in this endeavor.

Forrest Buell,

Clay City