CCSD raffling off a motorcycle

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Clay County Sheriff's Department is currently selling raffle tickets for a Harley-Davison motorcycle to help support the upcoming Indiana Sheriffs' Association programs.

"Tickets are available at the Clay County Justice Center," Clay County Sheriff Mike Heaton recently told The Brazil Times. "The funds generated from the ticket sales will support programs such as the two youth leadership camps, 40 college scholarships and death benefits for the families of officers killed in the line of duty."

Tickets -- which are on sale for $2 each, three for $5, seven for $10 or 15 for $20 -- are available for sale during normal business hours at the Clay County Justice Center.

According to the ISA, this is the sixth year sheriff's departments from around the state can voluntarily sell tickets to give away a 2009 FLHX Harley-Davidson Street Glide motorcycle. The winning ticket will be drawn during the Indiana State Fair on Aug. 23 at the ISF Sheriff's Booth. The winner does not need to be present to win, but their picture and information will be placed on the ISA website.

Heaton said children in the area have benefited from the ISA programs.

"Last spring, Northview graduate Joshua R. Gregg received a $500 scholarship to cover college expenses at Indiana State University." Heaton said. "We have taken around 15 children in the past few years to law camp."

Although the dates haven't been officially scheduled for the 2009 ISA Leadership Camp, Heaton said the organizational committee he is a member of is considering tentative dates for early July.

"Once the agenda is finalized the applications will be available at the department," Heaton said.

The ISA provides the funding for the camp and, according to Heaton, a large portion of the raffle ticket sales and donations from local businesses, civic organizations and community support is used to provide scholarship assistance for families with children who might want to go but are unable to afford the camp registration fees.

"If a kid wants to go to camp, we find a way to get them there," Heaton said.

For more information about programs made available through the Indiana Sheriff's Association, log onto their website at

For additional local information about the availability of motorcycle raffle tickets or applications for the upcoming leadership camp, contact the Clay County Sheriff's Department at 446-2535.

Raffle information

The Clay County Sheriff's Department is currently selling raffle tickets for a Harley-Davison motorcycle to help support the upcoming Indiana Sheriffs' Association Scholarship Fund and the ISA Leadership Camp.

Tickets are on sale for $2 each, three for $5, seven for $10 or 15 for $20 to individuals 18 or older.

Tickets are available during normal business hours at the Clay County Justice Center.

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  • went to the justice center to buy tickets today, the lady there didnt know anything about it,she asked someone,they said you have to go to the clerks office in the court house. is this correct?anybody know were to buy the tickets? please print a claification in the paper, when you find out were to buy them, so they can sell more tickets.

    -- Posted by nobob on Thu, Mar 26, 2009, at 10:34 PM
  • Tickets are available now at the Justice Center. Go to the dispatch window and they will help you.

    -- Posted by huladancer on Fri, Mar 27, 2009, at 1:30 PM
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