Local retailer extending holiday hours to protect shopper safety

Sunday, November 22, 2009

One local retailer is extending their business hours for die-hard holiday shoppers anxious to hit the stores for the post Thanksgiving Day deals this Friday.

In an attempt to prevent long lines of shoppers standing outside and the ultimate "mad dash" for deals, Walmart will open for shoppers at 7 a.m., Thursday, and remain open until midnight Friday, with holiday special "in-store" buys available from 5-11 a.m., Friday morning.

According to information provided by Walmart representatives, the new store hours and store-specific safety plans for all of the company's stores in the United States were developed in consultation with leading safety experts in the sports and entertainment industries after a deadly stampede tragically killed an employee last year at a New York store.

The safety plans address changes in how customers will enter or exit, the placement and customer flow around promotional merchandise and customer service at the checkout aisles.

In a press release issued last week, the world's largest retailer stated, "We are committed to looking for ways to make our stores even safer for our customers and associates this holiday season. We are confident our customers can look forward to a safe and enjoyable shopping experience at Walmart."

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  • It is a shame that these workers are going to miss some or all of their own Thanksgiving get-togethers so that people can shop for the stuff they could have bought the day before or could buy the day after. I enjoy the sales on the day after Thanksgiving as much as anyone, but there are times that stores should just be closed. Thanksgiving day is one of those days. If very few people go to Wal-mart (a place I spend alot of money) maybe they will rethink the practice of opening on Thanksgiving day. Be thankful and enjoy your family Thursday and shop on Friday! Maybe some Wal-mart employees will be thankful next year.

    -- Posted by brazilian on Mon, Nov 23, 2009, at 11:18 AM
  • This is just shameful!! Each year more time is taken away from families and given to retailers...and it's not about protecting anything but their(retailers) bottom line!!

    I think everyone should stay away from Walmart on Thursday, enjoy their families and time together. If you want to shop there on Friday then do it then.

    poor Sam Walton is probably turning over in his grave multiple times!!!!

    -- Posted by Take Action on Mon, Nov 23, 2009, at 1:09 PM
  • All it amounts to is greed, how can Walmart, Kroger etc... make another dollar or two by staying open on holidays! My family member has to work on Thanksgiving and give up time with their family for what purpose? Greed! If you forgot to buy something on Wednesday then do without. Then it is manditory for them to be at work on Friday at 3:00 AM how ridiculous is that? Just so crazy people can rush in and push and grab things. I don't want anything that bad. I think people need to start rethinking how they are acting. Thanksgiving is just that, thankful for family and friends and freedom and God. Christmas, celebrating the birth of our Saviour. Let this be the year when this Country gets back to our roots I pray before it is all taken away from us and we wake up one day and wonder what in the world happened.

    -- Posted by Jolly on Mon, Nov 23, 2009, at 2:36 PM
  • Retailers use to be closed on Thanksgiving & Christmas when I was growing up. That was many years ago, but family came before the all mighty dollar. Very sad.

    -- Posted by th1953 on Mon, Nov 23, 2009, at 9:25 PM
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