Old e-mail scam filters into area

Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Clay County Sheriff Mike Heaton

A Clay County resident received mysterious, threatening e-mails recently.

According to the resident, she received a e-mails from someone named Don Vanchiti, and the message was threatening in nature.

"The message said something about me owing money to the person," the resident said. "It said I had a contract with them and owed money, and that if I didn't pay it they would kill me and my family."

The resident said she didn't believe the e-mail was valid, and she researched the scam through the Internet.

"It was a popular Internet scam back in 2005 or 2006," she said.

The resident said she immediately knew the message was a scam, but she said she's concerned others may not.

"I knew that it couldn't be real," she said, "but I worry that older people who may not understand might fall for the scam."

Sheriff Mike Heaton of the Clay County Sheriff's Department said scammers try to play on the emotions of those involved.

"Scammers attack people through emotions or by using fear," Heaton said. "People do things out of fear or emotion without clearly thinking it through."

Heaton said any time an e-mail scam is sent, the receiver should contact law enforcement immediately.

"When someone makes threats toward you regarding your safety or the safety of others, you need to report it to law enforcement right away," Heaton said.

Heaton said there are many e-mail scams that try to get money from the people being threatened.

"If someone demands money or if you are thinking of giving a large amount of money to someone who demands it, law enforcement needs to know," Heaton said, "because, more than likely, it's a scam."

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