Letter to the Editor

Grateful for first responder assistance

Sunday, July 14, 2013

To the Editor:

On June 27, my husband had a severe reaction due to low blood sugar. He's fine now.

I want to thank all the people involved in his care.

I am sorry I don't have all the names, but they were wonderful.

The 911 dispatcher stayed on the line with me until the ambulance arrived.

That was very comforting.

The ambulance personnel and Mike Galloway from the Jackson Township Volunteer Fire Department were very caring and efficient in their treatment.

The staff at St. Vincent Clay ER were very thorough in testing and care.

We would like to encourage everyone to support their local volunteer fire department, the local ambulance service and the local hospital.

Friday, June 28, Les saw Dr. Breitweiser and everything seems to be under control.

Thank you again. We are blessed to call Clay County our home.

Les and Ann Harding,

Clay County