Letter to the Editor

Go to the shelter and take a look

Monday, September 2, 2013

To the Editor:

Over the past few weeks, there has been much reported by all the media, including man on the street type analysis, concerning the Clay County Animal Shelter.

A large portion of the coverage was expressing outrage that the shelter was about to euthanize several dogs.

As a frequent volunteer of the shelter, I feel I am qualified to speak out concerning conditions that exist there.

The facility is grossly overcrowded with cats and dogs.

A visit here would show how strained the staff are trying to care for all the animals.

My wife and I help out by walking some of the dogs.

These walks are probably the only freedom they will have for the day or perhaps longer.

The staff spends countless hours just cleaning the cages these dogs live in.

The cats are somewhat better off because they have litter boxes, but even those require cleaning.

There are dogs there that are extremely aggressive.

So much so that only staff are allowed to handle them.

The simple chore of cleaning their cage and feeding them is unbelievably dangerous.

Yet, day after day, the staff deals with it.

These dogs will never be adopted and are a permanent risk to the staff.

Euthanizing these dogs is the only course of action.

I ask for all of those who oppose this decision to come down to the shelter and try for yourself to see the danger these animals create.

A facility that is overcrowded and underfunded is doing a great jog.

They take the non-aggressive dogs to various venues outside the shelter in order to get more exposure.

They have a trainer come to the facility to work with the dogs to make them more adoptable.

I don't believe anyone likes the thought of euthanizing an animal, but I ask you: What would you do under these conditions?

Don and Leonor Collins,

Putnam County