Letter to the Editor

Playing games with voters

Sunday, November 10, 2013

To the Editor:

Sen. Tim Skinner and Rep. Clyde Kersey are playing games with voters on the Common Core issue.

Common Core is a federal takeover of education standards, masquerading as a state-led initiative.

It is wrong for our children, wrong for teachers, and wrong for our community.

Sen. Skinner and Rep. Kersey have both told me they oppose Common Core. Yet, these gentlemen have an interesting way of showing their opposition.

When HEA 1427, the one-year pause on Common Core, came for a vote this year in the legislature, both men voted against the pause.

They voted instead for immediate implementation of this massive federal power grab.

Both Sen. Skinner and Rep. Kersey were then selected to serve on the special committee to study Common Core this year.

This gave them a second chance to register their opposition. Instead, these profiles in political courage refuse to support a resolution to put the legislature on record opposing Common Core.

Gentlemen, if you actually oppose Common Core the way you have been telling voters in your district, it's time to make your actions align with your words.

Let's see you go on record opposing Common Core with the study committee. It is called leadership.

Courtney Schmidt,

Terre Haute