County officials discuss legislative agenda at State Capitol

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Clay County Surveyor Vernon Maesch, Auditor Jennifer Flater, Assessor Jill Bennett and County Commissioner Paul Sinders were four of about 300 county officials from around the state who attended the Association of Indiana

Counties’ (AIC) 2018 County Legislative Conference

County officials met with their legislators to express their concerns about local government issues at this two-

day event sponsored by the AlC. The event was held at the Hyatt Regency Indianapolis in downtown

Indianapolis Jan. 30-31. The AIC staff briefed county officials about legislation being discussed in the Indiana

General Assembly that would have an impact on counties

Attendees were also briefed by Indiana Supreme Court Justice Steven David on several court-related

initiatives that will affect counties: Evidence-Based Decision Making; Criminal Court Rule 26 regarding bail;

and various other commission and court-related policy review committees. Ball State University Political

Science Associate Professor Charles Taylor offered attendees a review of the results of the Hoosier Survey

which gathered public perception on local government issues such as criminal justice reform and road


County officials also learned about the 10-year impact of tax caps on Indiana’s local government tax structure

from Purdue Agricultural Economics Professor Dr. Larry DeBoer. He said local governments have transitioned

to rely less on property taxes to fund local government and more on income taxes since tax caps were first

enacted in 2008.

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