Halfway point for youth food program

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

We are at the halfway point of daily Summer Delivery!

From Clay County North:

We will again make a delivery of three weeks of shelf-stable food and water on Saturday, June 29, 2019. We have 14 routes in Clay County North. As of today, we have 4 people signed up to help deliver. Ideally, we would have at least 28 delivery vehicles. So, if you can help deliver food to the kiddos on Saturday, June 29, 2019, at 10 am at First Christian Church, please let us know!

In the meantime, we will continue to deliver weekdays until the end of June. This is for Clay County North and out of First Baptist Church. All help is appreciated!

We will deliver to 718 kiddos in Clay County this Monday, June 17, 2019. Please join us!

From our friend Marie Bettenbrock in Clay County South:

We are halfway through our summer meal deliveries for the youth around Clay County. I have only been able to see how things are going for us in the South, so I can’t speak for those up in the north. We are only delivering three days a week so that means for the month of June we only have 6 more meals to pack and deliver. Well, actually there are 7 if you count the large delivery that we will be doing mid-July.

Do you have any free time in your Monday, Wednesday, or Friday to come to help us??? It takes about 90 minutes to pack the food and deliver one of our four routes. It takes only about 30 minutes to help us pack the meals for each day. We have four routes. One route finishes up in Poland, one in Bowling Green and we have two the finish up in/around Clay City. I know it is hard to make the time work in our busy schedules. Let's face it we all make the time to do the things we really want to do or things that we feel are important. I promise you if you take the time to spend 30 minutes packing or 90 minutes packing and delivering you will fall in love with being a part of our program. I have seen it happen.... And if you talk to anyone who has recently been a part of the program they can probably tell you their story of how they feel in love with helping out and probably even how they feel in love with the kids we are helping.

Sometimes I get the question “Why do you take so much time out of your summer to help?” or “How do you do it?”

Well here are my answers:

First off I have a passion for helping others. I have always worked hard to help those around me who I noticed needed help, that is probably why I became a teacher.

Second, I really think these families, especially the kids need to know that there are people out there who care about them enough that they take time out of their busy schedule to show them love. One of the most valuable things we have in our lives is time. By giving our time to feed the hungry (both nutritionally and emotionally) we are showing them that someone who they don’t even know is willing to give them the most valuable thing they have, their time.

One of the hardest lessons to learn in life is to give when you are receiving nothing in return. But it is so humbling to have someone do that for you. Please if it is not for the kids of southern Clay County do it for the kids in northern Clay County, If not for the kids of Clay County do it for someone. It doesn’t have to be for this program, just take the time to give something to someone who can give it back to you. I promise in the end you will blessed just as much as the person who received it.

p.s. (From North and South!) We are still loading food behind Brazil Save-A-Lot in the morning, Saturday (6/15/19) at 10 am if you can help.


Clay County Youth Food Delivery Program

Funded by donations to Clay County YMCA marked, “Clay Youth Food Program:


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