TOP STORY OF THE DAY Brought to you FREE by WICU: Wyndham declares August as “National Women’s Suffrage Month”

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

On Monday, Brazil Mayor Brian Wyndham declared the month of August as “National Women’s Suffrage Month” to honor the 100-year celebration of the ratification of the 19th Amendment Constitution of the United States. The Constitutional Amendment, which provided women the right to vote, was finally signed on August 26, 1920. On January 16, 1920, Indiana, the 26th state to do so at that time, voted to ratify the 19th Amendment.

Vicki Mace, of the Clay County Historical Society, Mayor Brian Wyndham, and Cheryl Steuerwald, is pictured at the special 100th Anniversary of the Women’s Sufferage Movement at the museum. Special tours can be arranged at the Clay County Historical Society Museum, 100 East National Ave., Brazil, by calling the office during business hours at 812-443-1844.

In celebration of “National Women’s Suffrage Month,” Brazil Mayor Brian Wyndham stands next to a dress donated by his mother and on display at the special 100th Anniversary of the Women’s Sufferage Movement at the Clay County Historical Society Museum, 100 East National Ave., Brazil. Special tours can be arranged calling the office during business hours at 812-443-1844.
IVY JACOBS photo - “National Women’s Suffrage Month” proclomation by Brazil Mayor Brian Wyndham.
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