TOP STORY OF THE DAY Brought to you FREE by WICU: Mayor’s Ride to benefit Humane Society set for Sept. 12

Monday, August 31, 2020
Courtesy A+ Printing - Mayor’s Ride T-shirt 2020 - This is the 2020 design of the Mayor’s Ride T-shirt. Call City Hall at 812-443-2221 for more information on how to obtain yours.

The upcoming 2020 Mayor’s Ride in support of the Clay County Humane Society Rescue and Adoption Center is ready to go despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Brazil Mayor Brian Wyndham said the ride would go on as planned Sept 12, with registration at City Hall starting at 2 p.m., and kickstands up at 3 p.m. as usual. The cost is $30 for individuals or $50 per couple, including a T-shirt, food, and entertainment afterward.

“That’s where we had to change a few things,” said Wyndham about new changes due to the COVID-19 protocols to stop the virus’s spread. “The American Legion has stepped up to organize the after-ride event at 10 North Depot Street at their outside pavilion area, which has plenty of room to allow for social distancing.”

Mayor Brian Wyndham rides in Saturday’s Cruise-In with his wife, Connie, and their dog, Maggie, in the sidecar. No word on if Connie and Maggie plan to do the Mayor’s Ride or not. See the 2020 T-shirt design on Page 4.

Wyndham said if the weather turns terrible with rain, there are plenty of tents to sit up at the parking lot area, and along Church Street, which will be closed on that Saturday. The public is invited to attend the event that starts at 6 p.m. Box lunches will be provided, a silent auction is planned, and the band ‘Hired Guns’ will be providing live entertainment.

“We always have a great time during this event, and we will again this year,” said Wyndham, who added it is a vital fundraiser this year for the local animal shelter. “COVID-19 has hit many people’s budgets hard this year, and the shelter is no different.”

In 2012 the inaugural fundraiser raised enough funds to donate $3,680 to the local shelter, and the numbers have been climbing ever since. In 2017 the totals reached a little more than $7,000 and annually breaking the previous goals until last year’s ride when the total surpassed expectations and topped out over $23,000.

There are no lofty goals set this year for the fundraiser due to COVID-19, but the dream remains to do the best possible to help the animals. The Mayor’s Ride is the biggest fundraiser for the shelter, which helps cover the increasing costs of daily care and medical expenses.

Fundraising organizer and volunteer Michelle Cannava confirmed the annual fundraising letters went out to businesses a little over a week ago, and she has been surprised by the response when she calls back.

“I am calling people who have supported this event in the past, and when I call now they say, ‘Oh I already sent that check,’ and many times it is for more than they did last year,” said Cannava, who admits it’s tough asking for more money during a pandemic. “Everyone has been so wonderful and understanding.”

Cannava will continue calling local businesses this week about sponsorships until Sept 8, the deadline for being added to the T-shirts’ back.

Buckets have also been dropped off at various businesses to collect donations until Sept 11.

“The shirt designs the past couple of years will be hard to top,” said Brazil Mayor Brian Wyndham. “But I think we have a pretty sharp looking shirt this year. It’s going to be a camo design, not military, but like for hunters, with neon orange letters on it.”

The design was created locally by A Plus Printing, 219 West. Church St., Brazil. The community supported last year’s event by purchasing more than 200 exclusive designed event T-shirts. The unexpected collectability and high demand for the shirts by local residents created the necessity of reordering the 2019 design.

“I think we got that under control this year,” said the mayor, who believes plenty of shirts have been ordered. “We are going to make sure everyone who ordered their shirts will get them. But, if we have to reorder them again this year, we are ready.”

Anyone interested in purchasing a T-shirt from the 2020 Mayor’s Ride fundraiser for $20 each, and they want to make sure the correct size is available; please call 812-443-2221 or stop by City Hall during regular business hours as soon as possible. (Shirts do need to be paid for to ensure delivery.) All proceeds from the fundraiser support the local animal shelter.

“We are not expecting to top last year’s effort. A lot of people are financially hurting right now,” said the mayor. “We hope those who can give, will, and maybe some will be able to do more than before. This is an important cause in our community, and we hope the community joins us at the Legion that night for the after-ride party.”

But just because the Mayor’s Ride will end Sunday, Sept 13, doesn’t mean that people can’t donate to help.

“If you can’t afford to donate now, call the shelter anytime, year-round, to see how you can help,” said Cannava. “It doesn’t have to be a special reason to support the animal shelter. Any day can be Christmas for them.”

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