TOP STORY OF THE DAY, brought to you free by WICU: Car lovers will be ‘Cruising Brazil’ twice this year

Thursday, April 22, 2021
The popular Cruising Brazil will take place twice this year, both on May 1 and again in the fall.

Organizer Eric Jensen was pleased with the turnout last year for a Cruising Brazil event which took place in August.

He is hoping to build upon that success this year with two events — one on May 1 and the other in the fall.

The rules are pretty easy to follow, and Jensen admits there “really isn’t anything special anyone needs to do” besides show up at Forest Park on the day of the event between 5 and 7 p.m.

“Or they can just show up in town between 7:00 and whenever they want to go home,” he said. “People are welcome to just drive back and forth or park and watch. Most of all, have fun!”

Don’t think you have to have a fully-restored classic, either.

“You don’t have to have an old car,” Jensen said. “All street legal insured vehicles are welcome. Any business that has special hours or wants to cater something should feel free to post it in the discussion part of the event post on Facebook [go to or search for ‘Cruising Brazil 2021’].

“Most anything people need to know is in the description in the event post on Facebook.”

There is no registration, no fee, no donation.

“Just show up and enjoy cruising town like everyone remembers from back in the day,” Jensen said. “Hang out with old friends and get Brazil hopping for the night.

Jensen noted the last time such an event was held there were over 150 cars and bikes which showed up at Forest Park beforehand.

“This blew up much larger than expected last year and people were begging all winter for me to make it happen a couple times a year,” he said. “We will do another one in the fall. If that one falls off on attendance I will go to one a year.

“More than anything, I just want people to be safe and have fun,” Jensen added. “I love this town and love seeing people enjoy being out.”

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