TOP STORY OF THE DAY, brought to you free by WICU: Cruising into the future of popular car event

Friday, May 14, 2021
Cars lined National Avenue bumper to bumper for the May 1 “Cruising Brazil 2021” event.
Ivy Jacobs photo

Sometimes an idea just “grows legs and takes off,” and a Brazil man’s simple idea is growing by leaps and bounds as it runs into the future.

“I have lived here all my life and love this town. To see so many people come together for these events has sure renewed that,” said Eric Jensen, who posted the idea for the Cruising Brazil event on Facebook last summer. “It started out last year hoping for 20 or so old classmates to show up in town to cruise around as we did back in the day, but I think it was the town that showed up, and that is incredible.”

There have been three Cruising Brazil events so far, with the most recent on Saturday, May 1st. Each one has grown in attendance, with the last one described as thousands of people coming to Brazil to participate either in bopping town or taking a seat along main street to watch. There is no registration, fees, or donations, or forms to fill out; just show up and have fun.

It’s become a hotspot for people wanting to see the vehicles - upwards of 100-150 various vehicles available to view - and talk to the owners before the event begins.

Meanwhile, lawn chairs and blankets are spread out along main street early as all kinds of people start gathering to watch the event, and they also socialize.

“I think I am most happy about how many young kids are there and how excited they get,” Jensen said. “I never dreamed this would turn into a family event. I had no idea it would get this big. I do believe that is almost entirely because of the community itself.”

Jensen said so many businesses jumped at getting involved, opening for special hours, and providing services.

“Brazil Mayor Brian Wyndham has been supportive from day one,” said Jensen.

Wyndham and his wife have participated in all three events; they cruise on a motorcycle with a sidecar.

“I think Jensen has hit on an idea that has the potential to keep on growing,” said Wyndham about the successful events. “It’s so good to see so many people out, having a good time together.”

The mayor said the past 18 months of the COVID-19 pandemic and all the unrest in the country have made it difficult for people to find a common interest in which to get along.

“That’s what I noticed about this event: People had something in common they could come together and share and together,” Wyndham said. “There were lots of people from outside our community here. This event allowed us the opportunity to showcase our town and what’s good about it.”

Wyndham believes the event will continue to grow because America has always had a love affair with automobiles.

“Mr. Jensen had a great idea there. It was the perfect response to COVID-19, to the perfect storm we were in, and we are still in,” said the mayor. “It is a great night out. We had great weather for it.”

Joshua Alsip of Brazil Main Street said he is definitely supportive of the event.

“It is amazing how quickly it grew and what struck me this last go-around was the economic impact. Main street owners really took advantage and stayed open later. Every restaurant was packed,” Alsip said. “On a personal level, it brings me a lot of pride to get to participate in this. We need this type of life in our town to make it a place where young people want to call home. With new businesses opening up, the street looking beautiful, and small towns, in general, seeing a renewed interest over the past year, this is the perfect time to go bold on events like Cruising Brazil.”

Of course, there are a few glitches and a couple of complaints about the event. Of course, there are a few glitches and a couple of complaints about the event.

“It’s a couple of evenings a year, out of 365 days, and I think we can make some concessions,” said Wyndham, who believes the safety of everyone out enjoying the event is vital. “There are a few things we have to deal with as it continues.”

Vehicles attempting to create a “dragstrip” while performing a “burnout” are potential safety issues for anyone trying to cross or vehicles parked along the street during the event.

“The event is fun for the community, but we want to make sure people are safe,” Brazil Police Chief Clint McQueen said. “We don’t want a child — or anyone for that matter — to run out in the street, for whatever reason, and get hurt.”

McQueen said there were no reports of any mischief during the Cruising Brazil events. People came from throughout Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, and a couple from Kentucky came to Brazil to enjoy the nostalgia of cruising town like back in the day.

“It’s great to see people getting together like this and getting along. This is turning into a big event in our town,” said the police chief, who admits it is hard to determine the size of the fluid crowd. “Safety has to be our priority as this event continues forward in the future.”

Wyndham said Brazil currently has a better curb appeal than in the past, and businesses taking advantage of this opportunity is a given, “I believe they will see these crowds and take advantage of it. I think people will see that this fall during the next one.”

Jensen confirms the next free event will be in October, but a date has yet to be determined. He admits he announces the date about four weeks in advance to ensure there is excitement.

“I want it to remain a free event, strictly to have a great fun evening a couple of times a year,” said Jensen, who has had people ask about setting it up as a donation opportunity to support a local charity. “As much as I like that, that was never my intention. If the local businesses can capitalize on it in the free attention, I am happy with that. I am OK with it growing. I’m just not sure how many more cars we can fit in our little town.”

Wyndham hopes Cruising Brazil continues to grow.

“It’s kind of its own animal in a way to a certain degree. There is not any one single entity organizing it — Mr. Jensen got this thing going and organized it a little bit — but it is developing a life of its own,” Wyndham said, adding he can’t quite explain why it is so much fun. “A lot of people who didn’t know each other before these events, they know each other now. I don’t know how you can not find it entertaining. If you didn’t, you probably ought to check your pulse because it is a fun evening. I look forward to it continuing and growing.”

Small negative factors such as cars “burning out” and creating smoke were outweighed by the many positive factors of “Cruising Brazil 2021.”
Ivy Jacobs photo
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