TOP STORY OF THE DAY, brought to you free by WICU: Local schools still show high COVID-19 numbers

Thursday, August 26, 2021

As the current Delta Variant affects young children at school, many parents are unsure what to do when children are sent home to isolate themselves due to exposure.

Clay Community School Corporation’s Health Services Lynn Stoelting is working with the Clay County Health Department Director Dr. Camillo Mendoza and Clay County Public Health Nurse Kim Hyatt during this medical crisis.

Stoelting admits it is a trying time for students, parents, and staff members struggling with COVID-19.

Stoelting explained paperwork was recently sent home to parents if a child is sent home due to being considered a close contact at school.

The Indiana State Department of Health (with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance) implemented three options for parents to consider to allow a student to return to school.

1. — Quarantine for a full 14 days. No testing is required to return, and no enhanced precautions are necessary.

2. — Quarantine for 10 days. When a student returns, wear a facemask for the remainder of the 14-day quarantine and socially-distance during lunch (stay at least 6-feet apart from others while eating). If symptoms should appear, the child should stay home.

3. — Quarantine 7 days, have negative COVID-19 test on days 5, 6, or 7 and return on day 8. The student will stay masked during the remainder of the 14-day quarantine and socially-distance during lunch. If symptoms should appear, the child should stay home.

NOTE: All extra-curricular activities including, but not limited to: band choir, orchestra, athletics (including cheerleading) must wear a mask at all times, no exceptions. If a facemask cannot be worn due to the risk associated during activity, a student should not practice, participate, or while observing. If social distance at least 6 feet away from others during practice, participation, or while observing cannot be maintained, students should not practice, compete or attend the activities until after a full 14-day quarantine is complete.

4 – Students who have received the vaccine do not need to quarantine but should stay home if symptoms develop. Parents must provide proof of vaccine to the school.


Suppose the Governor or the Indiana Department of Education mandates a policy for a public school corporation. In that case, they have to be enacted and carried out or risk the loss of funding.

Superintendent Jeff Fritz explained there’s “no leeway for school corporations” in several previous school board meetings.

Indiana Codes 10-14-3-1(a), 10-14-3-12(a), and 16-19-3-9 state an “epidemic/public health emergency” that allows the governor may “do what is reasonable and necessary for prevention and suppression of disease” to take proper action to protect the health and well-being of all Hoosiers.

On March 6, 2020, Governor Eric Holcomb designated the ISDH as the lead agency to coordinate emergency response to COVID-19. In turn, the ISDH follows the guidelines set forth by the CDC.

Indiana COVID-19 Data Report

Stoelting is currently working on updating the ISDH COVID-19 Data Dashboard for Clay Community Schools. The data available at (Select “SCHOOL” under the main header) includes a range from the start of tracking positive cases on September 17, 2020, through the current school year for students, teachers, and staff members.

As of Thursday, the ISDH reported an overall total of 40,517 students, 6,598 teachers, 7,881 staff members positive cases during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The new positive cases among school districts throughout the state reported to ISDH as of August 20, 2021, include:


On Thursday, August 26, 2021, Stoelting advised the overall data for COVID-19 cases in the corporation this week includes:

In quarantine678
COVID+ students64
COVID+ staff5

NOTE: This data (including new and updated last week’s data) per individual schools in Clay County inlcudes:


Quarantined students – 15

Positive students – 1

Ill students - 17

Total absent - 43 (6 at doctor, 5 out of town)

Staff out with symptoms - 0

Staff tested positive this week – 0


Quarantined students - 20

Positive - 1(brother positive last week)

Absent - 19

Total absent - 39

Staff - 1 getting tested, 1 ill with symptoms


Quarantined students - 31 (most should be back

Positive - 0

Ill - 18 (4 not sick but other reasons)

Total Absent - 49

Staff 1 out with symptoms and 1 close contact (not school related)


Quarantined students - 63

Positives - 2

Ill - 15

Total absent - 78

Staff positive - 2


Quarantined students - 45

Positive Students - 1

Ill students - 8

Total absent - 55(1 unexcused)

Staff - 1 positive


Quarantined students - 29(15 outside of school contacts included in the 29)

Positive - 0

Ill - 7

Total absent - 47(1 out for appointment)

Staff - 0


Quarantined students - 108

Positive - 9

Absent - 59

Total absent - 167

Staff - 1 positive


Quarantined students - 226

Positives - 32

20 - sick - parent called

75 - reason for absence unknown

Staff - 3 positives and 2 waiting


Quarantined students - 110 – several due back tomorrow from last week quarantine

Positive students - 5

Ill students - 4

Total Absent - 115

Staff with symptoms - 2 and 1 close contact and 1 son being tested


Quarantined students - 31(several due back first of next week)

Positives - 0

Ill students - 15 (various reasons no illness)

Total absent - 46

Staff - 2 due to children being quarantined

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