Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Nick Wilson, Times Co-Editor

As The Brazil Times' newest co-editor, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and inform you, the residents of Clay County and beyond, that I will always strive to bring you the most accurate and non-biased information concerning our community. Yes, I may be an ultra nerd, but that is something about which I am very passionate: journalistic integrity.

A journalist, though human like the rest of us, takes on the moniker as a responsibility not to mislead the public (or, at least, they’re supposed to). However, I consider that exact notion my number one priority and the very reason I was put on this planet. I want our readers and, indeed, all of our residents to feel comfortable in approaching me. I’m a journalist, but I am human (a bit of an oxymoron, I know). You can talk to me. You can inform me. In return, I will bring you nothing but accuracy sans opinion.

I’m new to Brazil but I have already recognized some of the same qualities I’ve found to be present in the best of communities. I’ve seen compassion. I’ve seen heart. But most of all, I’ve witnessed a love for this town from its residents that’s maybe not so commonplace. Brazil — what a great name, by the way — is a place I’ve traveled through many times in my life. I’ve always enjoyed historic Route 40, and I even got to see it celebrated this past weekend. The town is just about my size, as well. Not too big, not too small. Just right. I’m looking forward to getting to know you all.

Originally from the small town of Darlington in Montgomery County, I grew up in a very similar society of small towns positioned around a slightly bigger small town. I graduated from North Montgomery High School in 2005, an active member of the football and baseball teams. Following several years of odd jobs, including everything from fast food to construction, I continued my education and gained my first “real” reporter gig at the Journal Review in Crawfordsville in 2012.

I love everything about journalism (well, except for maybe a few national news agencies, which will remain nameless). I love meeting with people, hearing their stories and presenting them to the public. I thoroughly enjoy the writing process, as well as taking photos of our subjects. But most of all, I enjoy the satisfaction I receive of a job well done and the notion of helping others through my work. If even one person’s life is affected in a positive way, then I have done my job.

A single parent to two beautiful girls, I live out in the sticks where I can find solitude among the chaos that has enveloped our country of late. As we move forward, I hope to convey a message as old as time: Treat others how you would like to be treated. It’s the “golden rule” for a reason, after all. A little kindness goes a long way, and I’ve already received so much since I’ve been here.

Thank you all for allowing me to come to your meetings, games, events, forums and more. You are all at the forefront of my mind, and I can’t wait to get started.

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