TOP STORY OF THE DAY: It was an "offal" good time

Friday, October 28, 2022
IVY JACOBS PHOTO - It was an offal good time last weekend at Clay City Shonk Dierdorf Veteran’s of Foreign Wars Post #6606, 507 Nye St., Clay City. The money raised supports programs for local veterans and the community. Ashley Eads, in back, Kathy Walters, middle, and Butch Marion work well together to fill orders.

There was a long line waiting for the Clay City Shonk Dierdorf Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #6606 to serve dinner Sunday. According to Clay City VFW Post Commander Darin Carlson, the Testicle Festival has been a fundraiser for more than 30 years.

‘We had lines through the dining room and the bar,” said Carlson, who believed approximately 250 meals were served. “No one is quite sure if it started in 1990 or 1991. You might go to an event someplace else, but ours are the best.”

One might hear the term “Rocky Mountain oyster” or “Cowboy Caviar” and might make think, “Oh! I love oysters!”

However, this is not oysters at all. They’re mammal testicles.

Post 6606 takes pride in serving a choice of pig or turkey (or a sampling of both) with a choice of sides, including baked beans, mac-n-cheese, and potato salad.

Wait, someone might wonder, that’s nuts, right?

Yes, but those with the cahones to experiment with trying the unusual protein - often pounded flat, battered, and then deep fried - say it is similar to eating chicken gizzards—another offal treat.

During the Old West’s days, inexpensive food sources were necessary. Nothing was wasted during the butchering of an animal.

Know what? They were not only edible, but many people thought they were delicious!

Waste not, want not, including testicles, is practiced by sautéing, braising, broiling, and even poaching offal meats worldwide.

In case you were wondering, eating an animal’s gonads has zero effect on the human consumer’s hormone balance. The organs are considered to be rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein.

Ancient Romans considered them aphrodisiacs and believed they would remedy ailments.

So, if you are up for trying a unique experience, gather your enthusiasm for the next Testical Festival in the spring. The Clay City VFW Post has two events each year, but the date has yet to be set for 2023.

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