TOP STORY OF THE DAY: You’re invited to Veterans Day

Monday, November 7, 2022

The American Legion Post

2 and the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1127 invites the public to a Veterans Day Service on Fri- day, November 11, 2022.

Veterans Day was established to remember and honor those who have served and sacrificed a part of their lives, and that of their families, for the prinicles of our nation.

“Veterans Day is a way to pay tribute and honor to people that have made the sacrifice to serve

their country, so we can have all the things, the freedom that we have today,” said Lonnie Boyce, a 34-year veteran and Post Com- mander of the American Legion Post #2. “Veterans Day includes everybody that served, whether during peacetime or war - that’s been away from their families - anybody that is or has taken time out of their lives to defend this country.”

Walt TerMeer, a past post com- mander and chaplain at the VFW, remembers when Veterans Day programs were not just days off.

“My father was a World War 1 veteran,” said TerMeer. “I remem- ber when I was a kid back in the 40s, Veterans Day was a lot bigger then. There were parades and the whole works.”

Both Boyce and TerMeer talked about seeing soldiers would tear up when “Taps” was played.

“My dad was a veteran, and whenever you see people tear up, you know, because of the sacri- fices,” said Boyce. “It just sort of finalizes everything.”

Friday’s Veterans Day program honors the tradition of the “11th hour of the 11th day of

the 11th month.”

The Jackson Township Community Band starts

playing at 10 a.m. in the Clay County Court- house., with the American Legion Ceremony beginning at 11 a.a.

This year’s guest speaker will be Johnny Capps, National District Councilman for the VFW.

The public is invited to attend using the west entrance doorway to enter the courthouse.

The American Legion Brazil Unit Auxiliary will

be serving a Veterans Day Luncheon from Noon-2 p.m. in the new addition of the American Legion Post at 10 North Depot Street, Brazil.

“Everyone is welcome,” said Boyce.

“This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave” --Elmer Davis (January 13, 1890-May 18, 1958, born in Aurora, IN) was an American news reporter, author, the Director of the United States Office of War Information.

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