TOP STORY OF THE DAY: 'Covid is still here'

Thursday, December 29, 2022

COVID-19 is still around, and anyone can still get it.

The Indiana Department of Health reports that symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. And anyone can have mild to severe symptoms, even if vaccinated.

COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective, but some people will still get ill from COVID-19 after vaccination, and there is still a chance that you could also pass the virus on to others who are not vaccinated.

If you are concerned about the current rise of Coronavirus cases and influenza A, remember the basic tips from the arrival in America of the pandemic at the start of 2020, including:

Be informed about the potential virus circulating at your travel destination, workplace, and living areas.

Stay at least 6-feet away from other people,

wear a properly fitted, high-quality face mask over your nose and mouth when you can’t keep this distance,

avoid poorly ventilated places and settings,

wash your hands frequently,

stay home if unwell,

get tested,

if the test is positive, follow isolation guidance (remain home for five days) and inform your close contacts.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people with COVID-19 should isolate for five days.

If a person is asymptomatic or their symptoms resolve (without fever for at least 24 hours), follow that with five days of wearing a properly fitted mask to minimize the risk of infecting others.

REMEMBER: The SARS-CoV-2 virus, Omicron, and Influenza A severely attack people with a compromised immune system. According to the World Health Organization, there have been 651,918,402 confirmed cases worldwide, including 6,656,601 deaths reported. (As of Thursday, December 22, 13,073,712,554 vaccine doses have been administered worldwide.)

Indiana has reported a total of 3,851,298 cases since the beginning of the pandemic and 24,333 deaths.

Clay County currently reported a total of 8,018 cases and 94 deaths. Note: The IDOH, as of Dec.22, all reported deaths have been in the age categories of 40-80+ years of age, with half of that number over age 80.

All of the data provided by the IDOH is preliminary and subject to change as new historical data is reported.

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