BRAZIL BUZZ: New Years Eve 2023

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

A beautiful Christmas 2022 spent with family is now added to our memory banks.

Here we are looking forward to the new year ahead. As usual, we will stay home on New Year’s Eve and watch the ball drop in New York City. Being safe, warm, and glued to the TV fits our fancy these days. Milk is the choice of beverage, and toast is toast. Honey wheat is a must!

There will be no snake dance to join in the streets. Although we may hear whistles, gunshots, firecrackers, and Tootie complains about the noise.

The first ball drop was on the Eve of 1908, a year before my dad was born. The ball was made of wood and iron and was five feet tall. It weighed about 700 pounds and was set aglow by 25watt bulbs.

Now balls are over 1000 pounds and decorated with crystals-triangles, computer-generated mirrors, and several hundred lights.

The entertainment is definitely worth watching. I do admit there was a time I missed Dick Clark and Ed’s coverage of the event. I look back to the treat of Guy Lombardo’s music and a few dance steps into the new year.

My dad and folks around Stringtown told me that the Scottish folks, including family on my paternal side of the tree, ate a food called Hoppin’ John.” They thought the peas would bring them good luck.’ Ham would bring them wealth, and greens would bring forth money. Although I never saw black-eyed peas at any time, cabbage and dark leafy green leafy greens found spots on the table. The popular turnip lost out on New Year’s Day.

There is a tradition of kissing at the stroke of midnight. I give that five stars. One or two more never hurts the lips.

Now, if you are partaking or cooling down a few too many cans of warm beer, do not put your lips on the fully loaded metal ice tray from the freezer of your Coldspot. Your lips will attach to the tray like snails gain a stronghold to the inside of a fish tank. Your lips will not need collagen to plump them up. You will drool for a while, and it might make lip-lock impossible.

When most women reach my age and beyond, It becomes hard to gather kisses from your nodding prince on New Year’s Eve in sleep mode.

Who needs a lip from him at that hour? Especially when do not disturb is written all over his face. just saying…

I’ll gladly welcome the promise of a bright new year that begins giving in January!

Reach me by phone at 317-286-7352.

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