Northview S.A.D.D. Students Promote National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

Thursday, February 23, 2023

National Eating Disorder Awareness week is February 27th through March 1st. An eating disorder is a mental illness that causes unhealthy eating habits to develop. They often are formed from an obsession with your weight, body shape, and food. They can be caused by genetics, personality, and pressure to look a certain way.

Eating Disorders come in many forms. The most common types are bulimia, anorexia, and binge eating. Bulimia, also known as binging and purging, is excessive eating followed by purging which can be forced vomiting, restrictive food intake, and excessive exercise. Anorexia is viewing yourself as overweight while being healthy or underweight. Anorexia typically includes very restricted eating patterns, a distorted body image, and a constant need to be or feel thinner. Binge eating is eating excessively or more than you need to the point where you feel sick.

To find more information and seek treatment, you can visit Some options for treatment can include therapy, education, and medications. You can visit a mental health professional, registered dietician, or other medical specialists. For local help, you can contact your local community mental health center. Family and friends are critical in the role of helping you find more resources and offer support.

During National Eating Disorder Awareness week, the Northview High School SADD program (Students Against Destructive Decisions), is raising awareness and spreading information. Posters explaining the signs and symptoms will be displayed around school. Bracelets with the National Eating Disorder colors will be passed out to students during lunch along with additional information.

Editor’s Note: Tarin Johnson is a student at Northview High School. Johnson wrote this article on behalf of the school’s S.A.D.D. group (Students Against Destructive Decisions). The Brazil Times is honored to print this article as it was written.

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