The Parade might not be happening, but there is still plenty to do for Loyalty Day

Monday, April 17, 2023
IVY JACOBS PHOTO The Sabre warplane memorial at the Clay County Courthouse is finally undergoing refurbishing. The monument represents those who served during the Korean conflict, June 25, 1950, to July 27, 1953.

Saturday, April 29

Loyalty Day Dinner

10:45 am-Noon

IVY JACOBS PHOTO The idea for the historic project began in 2019 when this photo was taken from a courthouse window of the jet in disrepair.

American Legion

10 North Depot St, Brazil

Register at 812-442-9015

IVY JACOBS PHOTO - According to the VFW Post 1127, the dedication ceremony starts at noon.

All Veterans Memorial Park Dedication

Craig Park @ Noon

The Clay County Courthouse has several monuments that can be visited, including the renovation of the Sabre warplane.

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