TOP STORY OF THE DAY: Loyalty Day events

Monday, May 1, 2023

All Veterans Monument Dedication

“I don’t think people consider it as much as they should, but the veterans groups, and the churches, are the cornerstones of our community,” said an emotional Mayor Bryan Wyndham at the dedication of the All Veterans Memorial ceremony in Craig Park Saturday, who admitted the thought of all they do chokes him up sometimes. “They just keep giving, and giving. This place wouldn’t be here if they didn’t step up, and take the lead on this project.”


Neil Brown told the crowd the memorial bricks are still on sale for the project expansion at the VFW Post 1127. Wyndham and Brown are pictured Top Right.


Loyalty Day Parade 2024

While it was heartbreaking to cancel the parade this year due to lack of interest, Neil Brown told the crowd the project is ongoing and may be “slightly different next year. But it will still be celebrated on Loyalty Day.”


Invited to other memorials

The consensus of the day among those attending the event was there are many memorials in Brazil, and they hoped people would visit them thourghout the day - like the ones on the courthouse lawn.


Seeing the big picture

Past VFW Commander Bob Bigley helped envision the memorial and the ASK softball diamonds at Craig Park. On Saturday, when asked if the realization of the ideas were all he had hoped for, Bigley was quick to answer:


“Look out there. It’s perfect. These families are out here every Saturday, with this memorial, playing softball. It is just perfect,” he said with a smile, adding that hundreds of people enjoy the area each week, and there is more to come as the park continues to grow. Bigley hopes parents take the time to explain the memorial, why it is so important to them, and the future of the children. “But now, with the dedication done, I am going to watch me some softball.”

Bigley is pictured with other veterans and Mayor Bryan Wyndham in the photo TOP LEFT.

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