“Stamp Out Hunger”

Wednesday, May 3, 2023


Letter carriers invite you to take part in one of the nation’s largest one-day food drives,

As the need for food assistance is still more significant than ever, we want to allow everyone to continue to meet that need and help your local community food pantry or bank.

Local food banks will include:

Senior Citizens of Clay County and the Clay County Emergency Food Pantry [Brazil]

St. Vincent DePaul food pantry [Carbon]

Church of the Living Christ food pantry [Harmony & Knightsville]

Staunton United Methodist food pantry [Staunton]

Center Point United Methodist food pantry [Center Point, Poland, Cory]

Clay City food pantry [Bowling Green]

The Stamp Out Hunger Donor Drive is a drive with a single mission—to feed the hungry in America, and as always, with your help, we will!

Members of the Brazil NALC Branch 670 and volunteers hope you join them Saturday, May 13.

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