TOP STORY OF THE DAY - This year's Kickoff to Summer a success

Thursday, May 25, 2023
The 7 Bridges Band takes the stage for this year's Kickoff to Summer event.
The Brazil Times/IVY JACOBS

"You ever plan a party and worry about who will come?"

Kevin Stallcop asked the crowd at the Kickoff to Summer event at Forest Park Band Shell Saturday evening before the 7 Bridges concert he organized for his wife Donna's 50th birthday.

"I am so impressed by the community's support for this event," he said. "It's been so awesome seeing everybody here."

A Kickoff to the Summer event was greeted by a crowd of smiling faces from the community.

"I wanted it to be a day for the community to come out and enjoy themselves, have some quality family times, and hear some great music," said Stallcop." We accomplished that, and we are going to do it again next year.

According to Kevin, the Stallcop family has been celebrating Donna's birthday since the 5th of May, who laughed, "She told me she is kinda sick of her birthday now."

So next year's event will still take place around her birthday, but Kevin wants to see the event grow for the community, "I think lots of people are looking and starving for great entertainment and music."

Stallcop said the band 7 Bridges are planning on returning, more local businesses have expressed interest in sponsoring the event, and more vendors are interested. There is enough attention now from the community; the event might grow into 2-days.

"It is just fantastic the amount of support and interest we are getting," Kevin said about organizing the event with his daughter. "We will form a committee and start working towards next year. It was tough but a lot of fun, and so worth it to see the community together having fun. We had people from around the US there."

The funds from the event have to be counted, but Stallcop believes it was a financial success due to the biggest crowd he has seen at Forest Park in years.

The vendors were very happy, as well as the food trucks. Many sold out of their supplies more than once during the day.

"I never really saw myself being involved in something like this before," Kevin said. "But this was amazing, and I want to see my community grow and improve."

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