Tuesday, August 29, 2023

In high school, it can be hard to decide what you want to do after you graduate, but Tanner Clausen has already figured out his plan. Tanner has been accepted into Ball State and plans to major in architecture or landscape architecture.

He decided to attend Ball State due to their excellent architecture program as well as their campus environment.

“I went up there for two weeks over the summer and kind of tried out all of their majors… I went, I toured the campus, I really liked it.”

Clausen’s great grandfather was an architect, so Tanner explains that some of his interest in architecture came from him.

“I really like math and the artistic side, so I try to take what I like doing… and see how I could translate that to a career. And so… architecture was one of the big ones that stood out to me.”

Clausen is greatly interested in studying abroad. He would like to go to Europe and study the UK’s and Germany’s different styles of housing.

Submitted - Clausen.

“My whole family just has always been here, so I want to go out and see [the world].”

At Northview, Tanner is involved in Excaliburs and the math Academic Superbowl, which was one of his favorite memories in high school. Clausen’s team had been trying to solve a problem for weeks and finally had a breakthrough.

“It was eye-opening. It was really fun, and a really satisfying experience… I really enjoyed solving that problem finally after weeks of work.”

Tanner also interns at the Honeysuckle Hill Beestro, participating in a “mock business” with another Northview intern. So far, Clausen’s favorite part has been learning new ways of cooking and prepping ingredients.

“I’ve just really enjoyed working up there, they’re all really friendly.”

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