TOP STORY OF THE DAY - Local church damaged in electrical fire Tuesday morning

Wednesday, September 6, 2023
IVY JACOBS PHOTO - Posey Fire Department was initially dispatched with backup assistance requested of Van Buren, Dick Johnson, Jackson, and Brazil City Fire Department in case the fire was in the attic and the ladder truck would be useful. All of the departments, along with STAR Ambulance, were on the scene.

The community offers help to a church damaged by an electrical fire Tuesday morning in Staunton.

When the fire was reported shortly before 9 a.m., the basement was on fire, and smoke was seen on the roof of Staunton United Methodist Church, 206 West Franklin Street, Staunton.

Posey Fire Department was initially dispatched with backup assistance requested of Van Buren, Dick Johnson, Jackson, and Brazil City Fire Department in case the fire was in the attic and the ladder truck would be useful. All of the departments, along with STAR Ambulance, were on the scene.

IVY JACOBS PHOTO - When the fire was reported shortly before 9 a.m., the basement was on fire, and smoke was seen on the roof of Staunton United Methodist Church, 206 West Franklin Street, Staunton.

The Staunton United Methodist Church was built in 1878.

Pastor Kerry Clear said the church holds a special place in the community’s heart and its members lives. When a place of active worship has been around for many years, Clear said emotions can run high when a church is damaged.

“People have grown up in the church, been baptized, and lived there for generations, building significant life events. The grief is real,” said Clear. “It shakes people at their heart, their very core.”

A food pantry in the basement lost everything during the fire. However, the food pantry is scheduled for the last Wednesday of each month, and plans are in the works to continue.

Clear said his phone rang all Tuesday afternoon with calls from other congregations offering assistance and space.

“That is so encouraging,” said Clear.


As for the damage to the church, Clear explained that it is unclear so far.

“Thankfully, no one was hurt. We await information from the insurance adjuster to determine our next step or how long it will take to fix things. We are hoping for news by the weekend,” said Clear, who stood outside the church during the fire with some congregation members praying for the firefighters, the congregation, and the community.

“We prayed for God to be with us and to unite us during this process as we rebuild the church and continue the food pantry,” said Clear.

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