Thursday, September 14, 2023

Though high school is only four years, the friendships made in that time can last a lifetime. Clay City senior Cayden Sawyer explains that his favorite part of high school has been making life-long friendships and enjoying various athletic events, such as beating Northview in basketball and baseball last year.

Cayden is president of Clay City National Honors Society and is part of SADD, Student Council, Spanish club, and Cob and Cog. Sawyer also plays basketball and baseball. Cayden participates in 4H as well, showing pigs and cooking.

“I’ll be a ten-year member [this year].”

In his free time, Sawyer loves to fish, mow, and hang out with his girlfriend.

Cayden is doing an internship at Stoelting Farms this year. He chose to do his internship there because of his love for farm work.

“I enjoy work on the farm, whether it be driving tractors or cleaning out grain bins. It’s hard work, but it’s always fun.”

In the future, Cayden plans to apply to become a lineman for Duke Energy. Sawyer also plans to attend Ivy Tech to get a two-year degree in either welding, mechanics, or electrical work.

“After I retire from Duke, or just on the weekends, I can always have something to do and have a source of income.”

Cayden’s biggest role model in his life has been his grandfather.

“He has shown me what hard work and integrity look like, and I strive to be like him daily.”

Sawyer explains that his favorite memory with his grandfather is cutting firewood with him during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We would do that just about every day.”

At some point in his life, Cayden wants to go to Australia. He is interested in observing the wildlife and scenery there.

“The landscape just seems to be beautiful. I’ve always wanted to go there.”

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