Middle School Minutes

Friday, September 15, 2023
North Clay Middle School.

North Clay Middle School is excited to share the great things happening with the students, staff, and programs. The update is written by current eighth graders. It will be published every two weeks. Let’s dive into the “middle school minutes”!

This year all of the 8th graders got brand new Chromebooks.

These new Chromebooks will last for students until they graduate. It is a Dell 3110 model. The new Chromebooks were included in the free textbook fee. That means that parents do not have to pay for them! The big seller for Mrs. True selected this brand because of the four-year warranty. That is a big step up from the last ones, which only gave students a one-year warranty. The school covers the insurance for these. These new Chromebooks are a hit amongst the students!

For the new 2023 school year, all North Clay students received new agendas. The agendas will be used to prepare middle school students for high school. Another purpose of the agendas is that they can be used to enhance organizational skills. The students in the middle school should utilize them to track grades and assignments.

Principal. Jones said, “When the students get home, parents can examine their students’ grades and monitor how their child is doing academically.”

The students and staff of North Clay are electrified to be using them this year.

There are many new faces around North Clay this year. Miss Lauren Swearingen is North Clay’s new 6th-grade English teacher. Although she is new to the building, she has teaching experience at Shakamak Elementary. Miss Swearingen is a great fit for English because she loves reading. She also enjoys working out and spending quality time with her friends and family. Another notable attribute is that she is originally from Brazil, Indiana; she attended Northview and North Clay. She participated in the Cadet Corps and Winter Guard.

She says, “I decided to make the move to Clay County to be closer to home, and I heard it’s a great place to work and learn.”

If you have a child or plan on enrolling in North Clay, you should definitely stop by and say hello to Miss. Swearingen.

North Clay athletics are off to a successful start this year. The volleyball teams are dominating their opponents on the court. The 7th-grade girls are 12-0, and the 8th-grade girls are 8-0. Despite the heat, the football teams are also playing really well. Both 7th and 8th grade teams are 3-0. The cross-country team is continuing their success out on the course. They even won the Hometown Savings Bank Pre-State. North Clay’s athletics are doing really well. Good job to all of the hard-working Knights !

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