Thursday, September 21, 2023

Ian Litz is a senior at Clay City High School. He is involved in Clay City SADD. In his free time, he likes to work on small projects, such as his go-carts, mini bike, and truck. He also enjoys spending time with his friends and working at McDonald's.

“My favorite part of working at McDonald's would have to be encountering different people who come in and order.”

Ian participates in the ICE program at his job at McDonald's. He was prompted to apply by his friends, and he enjoys working with his coworkers there.

In the future, Litz plans to work at the International Union of Operating Engineers in Terre Haute. A close family friend of his was retired from the Union and inspired Ian to work there.

“He told me I would have an amazing outcome at the union... I can't wait to learn new things [there].”

Litz feels accomplished from his high school years, noting that they taught him a lot, including how to be more mature.

“I am extremely proud of getting through the past four years of high school and making so many amazing friends during that time.”

One of Ian's favorite memories of high school has been beating county rival Northview's basketball team.

When asked about any role models in his life, Ian points to his father. He explains that he looks up to his dad and is thankful for all that he has taught him.

“My dad is a hard worker and really teaches me a lot of what I now know.”

Ian would love to travel the United States at some point in his life. If he had the option, Litz would go on a long trip with his friends to see all the states and everything there is.

“I have always wanted to travel the US... it is beautiful.”

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