Monday, September 25, 2023
SUBMITTED PHOTO - Brooklyn (left) with her sister Maisie(right)

Northview senior Brooklyn Eldridge is involved in FCA, girls' cross country, girls' basketball, and unified track. She explains that her favorite aspects of high school sports have been making new friends and spending time with the team.

“I really like basketball and just the community [of] teammates and coaches.”

Brooklyn explains that participating in all the different sports has been one of her favorite parts of high school.

“I really like the team [aspect of it].”

In the future, Eldridge plans to go to college for four years but hasn't decided what she will major in. She doesn't want to move far away and is considering local colleges.

“I want to stay close to home, so maybe Ivy Tech, maybe ISU.”

For her senior year, Brooklyn is interning at First Christian Church Daycare. She has been working there since the summer and wanted to continue through the school year. Eldridge explains that she loves working with kids and the joy that they bring.

“I like making crafts with them, or even just sitting there and playing with them, or sitting at the lunch table and talking to them.”

Brooklyn also has a strong interest in adoption programs, stating that her love for kids as well as her family has influenced her in this.

“The more that my family has gotten into [the foster care community] and the more I see how that works, I think it's really cool, and the whole idea of adoption... It's always kind of fascinated me.”

Eldridge explains that her family is part of a “care community” at Maryland Community Church, where they attend regularly. This care community consists of those who don't directly foster a child but help to support and care for foster families and their children.

“We can babysit for them, or bring them meals, or wash laundry... We take turns once a week. One of us brings a meal and checks in on them and talks with them.”

Brooklyn explains that being involved in a care community is a great opportunity and allows people to support foster children without becoming a foster family.

“It helps to get part of the community [involved] and support the foster system if you're not ready to foster in your family.”

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