Middle School Minutes

Tuesday, September 26, 2023
North Clay Middle School.

Welcome to another edition of North Clay’s Middle School Minutes. We have had an exciting week filled with school spirit and new programs.

On Monday, September 11th, a handout was given out to North Clay Middle School students. This handout was for a mental health app called Alongside. Anyone in Clay Community Schools Corporation, grades 6-12, has this resource. This resource is available to students 24/7. The app was developed by mental health professionals that specifically specialize in teenage issues and concerns. The program also used student interns that helped develop the app. This program was approved by the School Board and information is available on North Clay’s website. It should be a great tool for student wellness.

The week of September 11th, North Clay students participated in a Spirit Week in honor of Northview’s homecoming. Each day they dressed up in something fun: Monday Sports Day,Tuesday Dynamic Duo Day, Wednesday USA Day, Thursday Neon Day, and Friday Blackout/Whiteout Day. Students also did lunch activities like a Cake Walk, Trivia, and Karaoke. It was topped off by the school song playing as students exited the building Friday.

Shield Tickets have been a positive behavior reward system at North Clay for years.Teachers pass the tickets out to reward students for homework completion, classroom participation, polite manners, and helpful acts of kindness. Each grade level has a specific ticket color : Sixth Grade- purple; Seventh Grade- pink; Eighth Grade- yellow. These tickets can be spent every other Friday at Clay Mart. Clay Mart includes school supplies, 3D prints, school apparel, and candy. Eighth graders also have the privilege of getting special drinks from a Cafe Cart for twenty shield tickets. These special drinks include boba, soda, and even iced coffee! At the end of every year, students will put their remaining shield tickets into a raffle for special prizes. The prizes could range from a huge bag of candy to a brand new TV!

Some middle schoolers have the privilege of participating in the Northview Marching Knights. It is a big opportunity for those students to learn more advanced music. On September 16th the Northview Marching Knights marched their way into Ben Davis to compete in Open Class B for their first competition of the season. They earned a second place rating. They also got first in percussion and first in color guard. Wish the Middle School Knights good luck this competition season!

This year there is a new teacher in the building! Mrs. Trinity Kirby is in her ninth year of teaching Art. She teaches 7th and 8th grade art class. Even though she’s new to North Clay, she has taught at three other schools. “I began my teaching career at the secondary level and have always dreamed of making my way back. When the position opened up, I jumped at the opportunity to teach at the middle school,” said Kirby.

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