TOP STORY OF THE DAY - 2nd annual Trick or Treat on National Ave

Monday, October 30, 2023

Nearly 50 businesses and organizations will line the streets of National Ave to pass out candy to Trick or Treaters on Halloween evening from 5 to 7 p.m. This year, the route will start at Meridian/ National Ave, heading east on the south side of the road and then crossing over at Alabama to head West on the north side of the road. To help keep families safe as they cross the main intersections at 59/40 and Alabama / 40, we will have Northview DECA club members assisting trick-or-treaters across the roads.

All the traffic lights will be shut down to the red flashing lights by the Brazil Police Department. We ask that trick-or-treaters wait to cross the intersections until the DECA traffic guards tell you it is safe. We also ask that you refrain from jaywalking.

This event is intended to be a fun and safe place for children and their families. The Brazil Times will be collecting donations for the Northview DECA club for volunteering their time and efforts to keep this event safe. All donations to DECA will be for travel expenses to state and national competitions.

During the event, The Brazil Times will be taking photos for a costume contest. It is $5 to enter, and photos will be available for purchase online. Watch our Facebook page for details.

We look forward to seeing all the ghosts and goblins on Halloween night. Thank you to all the local businesses, churches, and families who will be participating in this year's event.

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