Monday, November 13, 2023

In a high school student's life, he or she has many influences, varying from social media influencers to family members. Emily Rebelez-Arevalo, a senior at Northview High School, states that some of her role models are the Try Guys, a group of four YouTubers that test a wide range of activities, ranging from baking without a recipe to competing against professional athletes. Emily explains that she admires their willingness to try new things and wants to do the same.

“It's funny to watch them try new and hard things, and I want to do that. Having to overcome the hardship, [and] to look back on what I have done is a nice feeling.”

At Northview, Emily is involved in the prom committee, Excaliburs, interact club, National Honors Society, and is the senior class president.

“I [wanted] to become the class president so that I can do small improvements to our community.”

In the future, Emily plans to become a teacher.

“[I want to] help students in need so they don't feel alone like how I did.”

Emily describes her high school experience, noting that she wants to be a positive force for others in their experience as well.

“There were multiple events [in high school] that made me feel alone during school, and there were times I couldn't even reach out to teachers. I don't want anyone else having to deal with that issue.”

Rebelez-Arevalo explains that she was in need of someone to support her, and now she wants to be that person for someone else.

“I want to cause a change in someone's life like I needed.”

Emily explains that one of her favorite moments of high school was being elected to homecoming court during her junior and senior years.

“It might not seem like a lot, but younger me would be amazed and surprised that I ever did.”

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